That'll Do.
That'll Do.
I don't have much to give you on my thoughts behind the creation of this cocktail I made today. The facts were these: I was done with my work day, it was hot outside, I needed to edit photos from my #DrinkThisMoment photo shoot, I was tired and had a weird urge to watch Dr. Strange, but most of all: I was thirsty. After I dropped my crap on the ground, flopped on the couch, and kicked off my shoes, I looked over to my bar, only to see that my cocktail had already made itself (well, for the most part). I saw Novo Fogo's Silver Cachaça and Owl's Brew Pink & Black Craft Cocktail Mixer staring right back at me and said, "Hey, I bet we taste good together." And they were right. One thing to note people, your drinks never lie to you.
So. Here's "That'll Do", my post-work-lounging-Marvel-movie-watching-photo-editing cocktail. A harmonizing mix of this lovely Brazilian silver rum and the sweet sensations of hibiscus, strawberry, lemon and lime. Cheers to you all and go give that spring warmth a hug.
Let's Concoct:
- 2 oz Novo Fogo Silver Cachaça
- 1 oz Owl's Brew Pink & Black Craft Cocktail Mixer
- 0.25 oz Lime
*Shake all ingredients vigorously with ice in a cocktail shaker. Strain into a chilled coupe glass. Garnish with wheel.